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Archive for Oktober 2013

Sun:  The Navajo Indians
A Report By: Rachel

     The Navajo Indians were a very interesting tribe to learn and study about. The things that interested me the most were their simple lifestyle. They had no electricity, running water, or indoor plumbing. Life couldn't get much simpler than this!
     Navajo Indians lived in houses called hogans. These houses were made of mud, wooden poles, and tree bark. Many Navajo today still live in hogans.
The Pueblo Indians taught the Navajo many skills. They taught them to plant crops, such as melon, corn, beans, and squash. This is why the Navajo were referred to as farmers, sheep herders, and laborers. Other skills of the Navajo are sand paintings, jewelry making, and rug weaving.
     Navajo Indians wore shoes called moccasins to protect their feet from the hot, desert ground and cactus. They were made from leather or rawhide.
Navajo Indians held ceremonies called Night Chants. They wore masks and shook rattles while praying for rain and good crops. The ceremonies lasted for nine days!
     The Navajo were warlike. They would sometimes raid other Indians, Mexicans, and white men. They would steal horses, sheep, and cows. In 1863, Kit Carson marched 400 men through Canyon de Chelly, the stronghold of the Navajo. Carson and his men killed so much livestock and destroyed so many crops, that the Navajo begged for peace. Carson gathered the Navajo and moved them to Fort Sumner in New Mexico. They were held prisoners there until 1867.
     So as you can see, the Navajo Indians were a very interesting tribe to learn and study about.

Ø Ide Pokok Paragraf 1 (Pertama) :
The things that interested me the most were their simple lifestyle. They had no electricity, running water, or indoor plumbing.
Ø Ide Pokok Paragraf 2 (Kedua) :
These houses were made of mud, wooden poles, and tree bark.
Ø Ide Pokok Paragraf 3 (Ketiga) :
Navajo Indians wore shoes called moccasins to protect their feet from the hot, desert ground and cactus.
Ø Ide Pokok Paragraf 4 (Keempat):
The Navajo were warlike.
Ø Ide Pokok Paragraf 5 (Kelima):

the Navajo Indians were a very interesting tribe to learn and study about.

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